Natapon Phuphathanaphong

Natapon Phuphathanaphong (Yu Chan) study at  M.5 Amatyakul School

“Every artist was first an amateur.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

This proverb reminds me of the time I have studied at Nava Language School since Primary School with little English language proficiency. With perseverance through years, I currently achieved overall score of 6.5 from IELTS exam in February 2024. This level of score will enable me to further my favorite undergraduate field of study at the university.

I had learned English at a young age from watching English-speaking YouTubers who played games. I also played games myself, only for entertainment and I picked up the English from the games overtime. I slowly got better at English skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking from activities outside school time. I encourage young English learners to find activities in your free time that you enjoy, especially if it contains English content. This will speed up your English proficiency learning process.

I am very grateful to my parents, teachers and staff for their patience and support to my English proficiency improvement. I would like to encourage all young learners and friends at Nava Language School to continue improving your English skills. Language proficiency is not a destination; it is a journey. Enjoy and embrace it.

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